Book It! Program

Reading is Fundamental!

  • "BOOK IT! was created in 1984 and currently reaches more than 14 million students and 37,000 K-6 grade schools annually."  This program runs from October through March.  Students are to read regularly to reach the goal set by their teacher.  When students redeem their Reading Award Certificate at Pizza Hut®, they receive a free, one-topping Personal Pan Pizza, a prize and a sticker for each month they achieve their goal. If students earn a sticker each month and place it in their book, they can mail it in to be entered into a drawing.  One student will win a grand prize, a $10,000 College Plan and a $5,000 grant for their school! 20 additional winners will receive $1,000 in cash and prizes!  Read, read, read!  


    College Plan Reading Giveaway